Professional Bagpiper for Hire
Forrest Cormany is a professional bagpiper for hire in Southern California. He began playing the bagpipes when he was only 11 years old. His experience and knowledge playing for funerals, weddings and special events, sets him apart from other bagpipers for hire.
Book Your Professional Bagpiper Today
(951) 536-6625
The sound of the pipes at a funeral is something that is never forgotten. Nothing comes close to evoking such deep emotion.
The ambient sound of bagpipes playing at a wedding is something you and your guests will never forget.

Parties & Events
From birthday parties to corporate events, hiring a bagpiper will make it an event you will never forget.
Professional Bagpiper Forrest Cormany
From the haunting, eternal melody of a slow aire to the lilt of a quick march, the sound of the pipes has moved and touched hearts thru the ages. Rich in history, and with an unparalleled nobility of spirit, the bagpipe brings an added dimension to any event. No other instrument captures and sets the mood of the moment. No other instrument so touches the heart, perhaps the very soul.
Forrest Cormany has dedicated a lifetime to the instrument and culture.
“Nothing strikes the heart with emotion more than the sound of bagpipes playing Amazing Grace at a funeral. That IS the reason why bagpipes are played at a funeral.” Mark VanCamp-Funeral Director

Grade 1 Bagpiper
Grade levels describe a players level of skill. A Grade 1 piper is a professional in their craft. It's important to assess the skill level of a bagpiper before you hire them.

Forrest Cormany at Riverside National Cemetery
Forrest Cormany at Mission Lakes Country Club